The first 10 years of child-rearing seem to go by very slowly when you are in the fray of diaper bags, car seats, early morning feedings, and bedtime stories. The next 8-10 years seem to become more of a blur. Time seems to speed up a bit!

For the past several years, Bev and I have prayerfully chosen a word of focus throughout the year.

Last year for me, the word was “purpose”. Throughout the year, I tried to remain focused on God’s purpose for me, my family, as well as for Strong Family Trees.

This year my focus is on the Latin phrase, “carpe diem”, usually translated “seize the day.” I have discovered that a more accurate translation is “pluck the fruit of the day while it is still ripe.”

As Fathers, we are not just called to be fruitful and multiply. Any wild animal can do that. We are called to seize every moment we can to influence our world. That begins at home.

My worst fear would be that my faith, my legacy ends with me. So my prayer, my focus, is to seize the opportunities to influence my children in these final years with them at home. Here are some ways I’m trying to do so.

  • Say the words they need to hear from their father. “I’m proud of you” may be the four most powerful words uttered by a father! As often as possible say, “One thing I love about you is…”. Then affirm a character quality exhibited in them. What is rewarded is repeated.
  • Teach them “adulting”. When looking over finances or performing car maintenance, try to include them. Don’t expect them to understand, if you haven’t taught them. Help them understand budgets, oil changes other major concepts that require periodic attention.
  • Hug them often. Young or old, we all need a human touch. Giving them a gentle squeeze or simply placing an arm around their shoulder speaks strength, acceptance and security.

Seasons come and go, and children are grown before we know it. Pluck the fruit while it is ripe. Seize the day. Make the most of every moment you have with them. Chances are, you’ll hear your own words and antics echoed in generations to come.