After the honeymoon is over and we resume the daily grind of life, it’s easy to take one another for granted. Busyness can take major withdrawals from our Love Bank.

Every person has a LOVE BANK! People in our lives can either make deposits or take withdrawals from our love account. Deposits are a stack of “love credits” that build up as we have positive interactions together. Withdrawals are negative interactions that deplete us.

The busyness and hardships of life naturally withdraw from our bank. Harsh words, a lack of physical touch, and taking each other for granted are sure to deplete the account well.

But there is hope! By making small deposits often, you can refill your partner’s love bank.

❤️ Here are a few deposits to keep love alive! ❤️

  • Hold hands
  • Dance in the kitchen
  • Take a walk together
  • Six-second kiss
  • Sit close and watch a movie
  • Date night
  • Bring them coffee to work
  • Go to bed early😉

It doesn’t have to be an extravagant date to make big deposits! It’s investing small gestures of love often that will increase your partner’s love bank. Have a happy day pursuing each other! Filling your spouse’s love bank yields big returns and builds a marriage that lasts!