Can Attending Church Strengthen Your Marriage?

It’s long been believed that half of America’s marriages end in divorce and the problem is just as bad in the Church as the rest of the country. I know I’ve heard this statistic most of my life.

But when Shaunti Feldhahn used her Harvard research skills to find the actual facts to back it up, she couldn’t. So for eight years, she researched the topic, and in her book, The Good News About Marriage, she reveals that the divorce rate is way below 50 percent and much lower for those who attend church.

As it turns out, evangelicals who regularly attend church on a weekly basis show a much lower divorce rate of 25%. That means 75% of weekly churchgoers DO NOT DIVORCE!

Why is this? Does attending church really help that much?

Benefits of Attending Church

God created us to connect in community! Being with other Christ followers is important for your personal spiritual growth. Small groups have been a vital part of our Christian walk. Surround yourself with a small group of believers who are supportive of your marriage and cheering you on!

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.

Proverbs 27:17

Regularly attending church provides the opportunity to connect in a community with those who have been there before you! I can’t tell you how many times we have received great guidance for parenting and marriage from others in our church community.

Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

Ecclesiastes 27:17

The Big Take Away

A church community can have a positive benefit on your marriage and family! Gleaning wisdom and encouragement from couples that are farther along in their relationships can give you the courage you need to stay the course!